Department of Internal Medicine

Prim. Dr. Maximilian Umathum

 Our Focus is always on the individual who is in need due to and whose symptoms have to be mitigated healed.

The Department of Internal Medicine of the Klinik Diakonissen Schladming deals with diseases of organs such as the heart, circulatory system, and digestion tract, lungs, liver, or kidneys. Diagnostics are performed based on state-of-the-art medical procedures in cooperation with specialists from all disciplines. In addition to the usual textbook examinations, the psychosocial background is also included in the diagnostic results. That is why attention and dialogue are also important as a complement to medical care. Professional and individual commitment on the part of the entire department are required in order to meet the challenges of this mission.

This allows us to offer patients high-quality internal medical care provided by qualified physicians. The specialisations, continuing education, and high motivation of our physicians ensure contemporary, professional, and successful treatment with a positive effect on the healing process of our patients.

The Department of Internal Medicine also offers training and continuing education opportunities for doctors as well as nursing staff. In cooperation with the Medical University of Graz, students regularly receive training and continuing education at our facility. Some of the training for general medicine as well as training for the subject of internal medicine can be completed in this department.


Maximilian Umathum 2

Prim. Dr. Maximilian Umathum

Gruber Elisabeth

OÄ Dr. Elisabeth Gruber

Krisch Christine

OÄ Dr. Christine Krisch


OÄ Dr. Heidemarie Puttinger

Waltermann Peter

OA Dr. Peter Waltermann


OÄ Dr. Bettina Planitzer

Weber Michael

OA Dr. Michael Weber

Zauhar Philipp

OA Dr. Philipp Zauhar

Dr. Johannes Pohlhammer 2 @fotosiederei (Groß)

OA Dr. Johannes Pohlhammer