General surgery

Geschäftsführender Oberarzt Dr. Ulf Clauer

 It is a known fact that the best doctors are Dr. Diet, Dr. Leisure and Dr. Happiness. But since these three are often not enough, there are also other options such as surgery. A great deal of knowledge and experience is required to use surgery to benefit patients. But just as much knowledge and experience are required to know when not to use it. Exactly here between these two extremes is where I see our work and responsibility.

The Week Clinic for General Surgery is a highly specialised area of the Klinik Diakonissen Schladming that is enriched by the knowledge and experience of our physicians. Surgical Treatment is specifically tailored to patients and their pathology to ensure first-class treatment. A surgical procedure is often not easy for patients and can be the source of an exceptionally emotional experience. Our goal is to provide our patients the best possible medical and personal care. The general surgery team provides basic surgical care and also takes on medical challenges with great passion. This requires close and coordinated collaboration with other departments as well as with practising physicians.

The team of doctors has extensive experience in the lastet surgical procedures. Continuing professional education always focuses on technical and scientific innovations in surgery.


Clauer Ulf

GOA Dr. Ulf Clauer


OÄ Dr. Eva Clauer

Daniela Oberste 1 (Groß)

OÄ Dr. Daniela Oberauer

Jens Peter May 1 (Groß)

OA Dr. Jens Peter May