Anaesthesia and intensive care

Prim. Dr. Karl Wohak

 The Evolution of Anaestesia from simply anaesthesing a Patient to perioperative medicine makes today`s concept of surgical medicine possible.

It is human nature to be anxious about  anaesthesia or intensive care.

We provide assistance to our oatients and their family members in these emergency situations and try to respond as much as possible to individual needs.

At the same time, we provide the best medical care around the clock.



Prim. Dr. Karl Wohak

Kühner Oliver

OA Dr. Oliver Kühner

Edwin Nematian 1 @fotosiederei (Groß)

OA Dr. Edwin Nematian

Erika Vidinska 1 @fotosiederei (Groß)

OÄ Dr. Erika Vidinska

Dr. Boris Vidinsky

OA Dr. Boris Vidinsky

Vorhofer Günther

OA Dr. Günther Vorhofer