Our hospital stations

The Klinik Diakonissen Schladming has 106 officially approved beds in 5 wards. The bed occupancy throughout the entire hospital is interdisciplinary.

Our wards include three standard-rate, multiplebed stations:

  • Station A
    with parent-child rooms (Head Nurse Sieglinde Payer, BA, MA)
  • Station B
    with Obstetrics (Head Nurse Tanja Zeiler)
  • Station C
    (Head Nurse Karoline Lengdorfer)

One superior-rate / special-class station with one- and two-bed rooms:

  • Station S (Head Nurse Tanja Grießer)

Functional divisions

Interdisciplinary outpatient care (surgery, trauma surgery, internal medicine, and endoscopy) (Head Nurse Edith Schrempf)

Interdisciplinary intensive monitoring unit (6 beds) and anaesthesia care (Head Nurse Daniela Lemmerer)

Dialysis (8 units) (Head Nurse Bernd Tritscher)

OP (two operating theatres and one surgical procedure room) and central sterilisation (Head Nurse Silke Schweiger)