Help for one’s neighbour, the willingness to seek and find solutions for the patients entrusted to our care, to develop medical treatment and quality care on a European level – these constitute the primary mission of the Klinik Diakonissen Schladming.
Meeting people …
We pay close attention to our patients to ensure that they can handle the necessary measures.
Team spirit and communication …
We cultivate open, honest communication and pay attention to mutual appreciation.
Acute care – around the clock …
Our own team is available for acute emergencies. In association with the Red Cross, we ensure local emergency care.
Quality, efficiency, environment …
We are careful to handling our natural resources carefully. Ethical, economic, and efficient thinking are a prerequisite for our actions, and we are constantly working to secure, verify, and develop existing quality standards.
Ongoing Training and responsibility …
We are in a constant process of ongoing training in order to assume responsibility in a professional manner and to use our knowledge and commitment for the well-being of our patients.